Sunday, September 10, 2023

Boats & Supplies

The annual sealift shipping season began on September 1 in Arctic Bay.  The MV Mitiq, operated by NEAS, anchored in the bay, and began unloading supplies in the late afternoon.  I was able to get some good photos of the process after the school picnic.  The shore crew set up their operation by bringing ashore metal ramps, loaders, a long-wheeled trailer, and a modified blue sea container to function as an office.  Then they brought several sea containers and wooden crates using two barges. 

I was surprised to see the MV Mitiq still anchored in the bay on September 4.  Sealift vessels usually stay for only 2 – 3 days, so a fourth day was new.  I guess a lot of the ship’s cargo was destined for Arctic Bay.  The shoreline in front of the Northern Store looked like an open warehouse.  Wooden boxes & sea containers were everywhere.  My sealift order was on a different vessel. 

Kiviuq II

Two smaller boats came to Arctic Bay on September 4: Kiviuq II and Tecla.  Kiviuq II is owned and operated by the Arctic Fishery Alliance (AFA) and the Tecla “is a family owned sailing vessel that sails around the world with specialties in both Arctic and Antarctic expeditions.”  I think this is the first time I saw both vessels in Arctic Bay.  Inuujaq School staff had the opportunity to visit the Kiviuq I in August 2015 when it came to the community.  The Tecla briefly stayed in the bay and left in the evening.  Several locals helped unload cargo from the Kiviuq II onto a small barge that was pushed ashore by a boat.  The AFA vessel left the next day.


The MV Mitiq also departed on September 5.  There were still plenty of supplies on the breakwater pier that needed to be delivered to their owners.  The sea containers were gone, but in their place sat two long dark blue portable trailers.  I assume they’ll be used to house construction workers because several new residential buildings are slated to be constructed next year in the spring.  The piles were installed this summer.  My only concern is the trailers do not have wheels so I’m not sure how they will be moved?  Maybe temporary wheels will be attached?  I’ll just have to wait and see.

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