Friday, April 19, 2024

Nunavut Quest 2024

The annual Nunavut Quest (NQ) dog sledding race came to Arctic Bay again to serve as the Start Line.  The Finish Line was Pond Inlet.  NQ rotates its Start & Finish Lines every year between Arctic Bay, Igloolik, and Pond Inlet.  Eleven mushers competed in this year’s race.  You can read about them here.  They & their support teams are also from Arctic Bay, Igloolik, and Pond Inlet.  Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) was the race’s main sponsor.

NQ is a timed rally race.  You don’t have to be the first musher across the finish line.  You just have to complete all sections of the race in the shortest time possible.  Mushers don’t compete alone.  They have their trusty sled dogs, and a support team that travels ahead to set up camp at designated stops. 

The mushers, support teams, organizers, QIA representatives, fans, a CBC News North crew, and 6 chosen Igloolik youth arrived several days before the start of the race.  The Igloolik youth would be writing stories & providing photos of the race to Nunatsiaq News.  They were sponsored by QIA.  The population of Arctic Bay increased, and it felt like all of Nunavut was present.  Several pre-race events & activities were held out on the ice and at the community hall. 

The race was originally scheduled to begin on Monday, April 15, but was delayed by a day due to weather.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to attend the opening ceremony at the community hall.  The mushers & their support teams were introduced, competitor bibs were handed out, and I’m certain there were several speeches and music performances.

The weather on Tuesday, April 16, was a little better, but with overcast.  The town assembled out on the ice at 1:30pm.  Students & staff of Inuujaq School went down as well to see the departure of the support teams & mushers.  I drove out on my skidoo.  Many did the same, but there were also many ATVs & 4-wheeled vehicles.  A lot of dogs were barking, excited by the large presence of human activity.  I hopped off my skidoo, walked around, and took pictures.  There were many fully packed qamutiks (sleds), filled with gas cans & supplies. 

The supply teams began to leave at 2pm.  The crowd waved and yelled goodbye as the convoy of skidoos & qamutiks drove south towards Uluksan Point.  I originally thought the convoy would circle around Uluksan Peninsula to the west and then turn north, but instead they would continue south towards Moffet Inlet.  The first rally stop would be set up along the way.  

The racecourse this year headed south, turned east, and then proceed northeast across land towards Pond Inlet.  In 2019, when NQ was from Pond Inlet to Arctic Bay, the support teams and mushers travelled northwest, past Bylot Island, around the top of the Borden Peninsula, and then south towards Arctic Bay.  I thought it would be the reverse this year, but I was wrong.

The mushers left an hour later at 3pm.  Starting the race an hour later gave the supply teams & timekeepers a head start in reaching the first stop and setting up camp.  During that hour, people walked around, mingled, and took more photos of the mushers & their sled dogs.  Large QIA flag banners, planted into the ice, flapped vibrantly in the wind. 

An NQ timekeeper loudly counted down from 15 and then yelled “Go!” to Musher #1 to begin their relay.  People clapped and cheered as the sled dogs ran, pulling the qamutik & the musher.  This process was repeated 30 seconds later for Musher #2.  And again, for Musher #3.  This continued until all 11 mushers were on their way towards the first rest stop.  People started heading back into town when the mushers reached Uluksan Point.  Students and teachers returned to Inuujaq School and were dismissed 10 minutes later. 

The support teams & mushers will arrive in Pond Inlet in 7 days if all goes well.  The weather out on the land can change very quickly and that can cause delays.  Once again, I wish I could follow & document the race like the 6 Igloolik youth.  Maybe there is a way?  I’ll have to find out.

Update: Here’s a link to Nunatsiaq News article about the 6 Igloolik youth.


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